

If you want to know more about the Discover tab and the Live Apps in general, you can read this page : Start here (opens in a new tab)

What is a manifest ?

A Manifest is a config file that allows external applications and decentralized applications (dApps) to be integrated inside the Ledger Live software as a Live app and interact with all provided features.

If you have followed instructions on the How to create a Live app(comming soon) page, you should now be ready to interact with the Dapp directly from Ledger Live interface to make sure all the basic features work as expected.

Ethereum Dapp Browser

Your DApp will be ran inside the Ethereum Dapp Browser, which is a separate application loaded inside Ledger Live to handle interactions between a Dapp and the Ledger Live application. Don’t hesitate to have a look at this project’s Readme to have more information on how to use it and what are the currently supported RPC calls.

Manifest properties

To test and integrate your application, you first need to write your application Manifest file. This file must contain some mandatory information, such as the app package names, the components, the permissions needed, the hardware and software features, etc.

You don't have to fill in all the fields; we'll fill them in once your integration has been confirmed.

However, here are a few elements you'll need to fill in yourself and their descriptions :

To be filled in by you

iduniq id of your appstringa-z | 0-9 |
authorName of your organisationstringoptional | *
nameName of your live app (will be displayed and used to search your app inside the Discover section)string*
urlUrl of the live app homepage (users will be redirected to this link once they open your app)string (URL)*
homepageUrlUrl of your organisationstring (URL)optional | *
supportUrlYour support urlstring (URL)optional | *
iconIcon URL (will be displayed inside the Discover section)string (URL)optional | *
platformsPlatform compatibilityArray(enum)"ios", "android", "desktop"
apiVersionSpecific manifest schema version (leave it as default)string*
manifestVersionVersion supported by the app that the wallet needs to implement in order to support (leave it as default)enum2
categoriesList of category related to your Live App (example)Array(string)items: min 1 → *
currenciescurrencies supported by your Live AppArray(string)items: min 1 → *
contentDescripton of your Live App (will be displayed inside the Discover section)Object{shortDescription: string, description: string}
permissionsList of permissions you will need in order to interact with wallet-apienum
typeType of you Live appenum"dapp", "walletApp", "webBrowser"
params___Objectdepend on the type
visibilityVisibility of your live app inside Ledger Live. (Leave it as default)string"complete", "searchable", "deep"


params when type = "dapp"

Your app uses the ETH DApp Browser (opens in a new tab)

dappUrlstring (URL)*
networksArray (unique Object)(chainID: number, nodeURL: string, currency: enum)

params when type = "walletApp"

Your app uses the Wallet API (opens in a new tab)

any paramanyoptional | *

params when type = "webBrowser"

Your app uses the Platform App Web Browser (opens in a new tab)

webUrlstring (URL)*
currenciesArray (enum)"ethereum", "bitcoin", ...


Permissions that allow your app to interact with methods :

"permissions": [
    // Account and currencies
    // Device permissions
    // Transaction
    // Wallet Info

Default values

Complete manifest.json file with default or examples values :

  "id": "ReplaceAppName",
  "name": "ReplaceAppName",
  "url": "http://localhost:3000/",
  "params": {
    "dappUrl": "http://localhost:3000/",
    "nanoApp": "ReplaceAppName",
    "dappName": "ReplaceAppName",
    "networks": [
        "currency": "ethereum",
        "chainID": 1,
        "nodeURL": "..."
  "homepageUrl": "http://localhost:3000/",
  "platform": ["ios","android","desktop"],
  "apiVersion": "^1.0.0",
  "manifestVersion": "2",
  "branch": "stable",
  "categories": ["NFT", "Swap", "YourAppCategory"],
  "currencies": "*",
  "content": {
    "shortDescription": {
      "en": "Desc"
    "description": {
      "en": "Desc"
  "permissions": [],
  "domains": ["http://*"],
  "visibility": "complete"